Law & Order: UK - Series Two - Sacrifice
The cream of British acting talent are back together for the second series of the hugely successful 'Law & Order: UK'.
Employing the original series' iconic two-part structure that focuses first on the investigation of a crime at the police level and then shifts in its second half to the prosecution of the suspects, 'Law & Order: UK' approaches the format and characters from a uniquely English perspective.
Series Two : Episode Four : Sacrifice
Monday, 1 February 2010 9:00pm - 10:00pm ITV1 / ITV1 HD

Money can't buy you love, but it can stretch to a new kidney if you know the
right people in the right places. And Philip Woodleigh (guest star Denis Lawson -
Holby City, Bleak House) is very well connected... That's what detectives Ronnie
Brooks and Matt Devlin discover when they investigate an attack on Darren McKenzie.
It looks like Darren has been robbed and, indeed, he has, but not for his wallet
or his mobile phone. Someone has cleverly removed one of Darren's kidneys, which
the detectives trace to the very wealthy Joanna Woodleigh (Olivia Lumley -
Between the Sheets), Philip's daughter.
Now the question becomes: who do you prosecute in a case like this? The patient?
The parent who would do anything for his child? Or the surgeon who transplanted
the stolen goods? Leading Crown Prosecutor James Steel has to make a decision,
but that's not the end of his problems in this case...
The Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) director George Castle has a conflict of
interest in the case which leads to him standing down from the CPS and serving
as defence counsel. So James and his fellow Crown Prosecutor Alesha Phillips
find themselves doing battle with their boss in an emotional trial that
questions just how far someone should go to help a loved one...
See Previous episode Community Service. See Next episode Love and Loss.