
Cash On Delivery
by Ray & Michael Cooney
Whitehall Theatre, London
September 1997
Cast: Bradley Walsh, Nick Wilton, Tracie Bennett, Jean Ferguson, Anita Graham,
Frank Thornton, Brian Murphy, John Hart Dyke, Fenella Shepherd and Justin Shevlin.
With six lodgers, Eric Swan (Bradley Walsh) should have a full house but unfortunately they're
all make-believe! You see, Eric has been secretly cheating the Social Security system for the
last two years. But when a wily D.S.S. Inspector turns up, Eric and his best friend Norman are
forced into a mad-cap routine as they pretend to be Eric's fantasy characters - all while trying
to hide the truth from Eric's wife and Norman's girl friend!
Run For Your Life
by Ray Cooney
Churchill Theatre, Bromley, Kent
April 1999
Cast: Karl Howman, Bradley Walsh, Stephen Beckett, Lynda Hayden, Katie O'Sullivan, David Bacon and
Brian Godfrey
John Smith is a London cabbie with his own taxi, a wife in Streatham, a wife in Wimbledon, and
a knife edge schedule. He has been a successful, if somewhat tired bigamist for three years but
one day he is taken to hospital with mild concussion. In the ensuing complications, aided by an
unwilling Stanley Gardner, John tries bravely to cope with a succession of well meaning but
prying policemen, two increasingly irate wives and an hysterical dress designer until he
manfully confesses the truth.

Tom, Dick and Harry
by Ray & Michael Cooney
Theatre Royal, Windsor
October 2003
Cast Bradley Walsh, Joe Pasquale, Richard Gauntlett, Jeffrey Holland, Louise Jameson, Royce Mills,
Sarah Wateridge and David Warwick
Poor Tom Kerwood (Bradley Walsh). All he wants to do is adopt a baby. So how does he end up with
two illegal immigrants and a dead body? Blame his two brothers, Dick and Harry
whose ideas for helping Tom end up with Tom's marriage on the rocks, a death
threat from the Russian mafia, a visit from the local police plus a first wife he
never had - then it start's to get complicated!